WeVis: We visualise data for democracy

Who we are

WeVis is a civic technology aiming to empower people to reclaim an active role in political life through technology and open data. We curate, analyze and visualize any relevant data to make democracy more open and more transparent, encouraging people to express their opinions and make better decisions. Our team is comprised of the same folks behind Punch Up, a data storytelling consulting and studio, and friends.

What we care about

Power of People

We believe our society does belong to the people and is driven by information and participation. We do what needs to be done with courage and integrity.


We conduct our work with code and data released under open licenses, while calling for open government data. We undertake to be open, honest and accountable in our relationships with everyone we work with.


We are open for collaboration with groups and individuals who share our goals. We foster a supportive environment for our volunteers and partners, respect diversity, and encourage healthy and constructive debate.

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